Another pair of pajamas

My love for sewing with knits continues to does help that a) it's easier and easier to find nice knit fabric in Singapore and b) my hems and seams are looking better, which means I'm happier with the final product, and thus more likely to sew with knits!

This set of pajamas was for my daughter's friend M (the recipient of the Dino Dress!).

The top was made using the Oliver + S field trip raglan t-shirt pattern, and the pajama pants were from the Oliver + S Nature Walk pants pattern. I recently got the Nature Walk yoga pants pattern and love how quickly it comes together. I particularly like the elastic insertion technique in the waistband. Now I just wish it came in adult sizes! 

The fabric is a Cloud 9 organic cotton knit from Sing Mui Heng, and is lovely and soft to the touch.  

I finished all the hems (pants, top and sleeves) by serging first, then turning them up 1/4" and using a narrow zig-zag stitch to finish. It's not as pretty as a twin-needle finish, but I am not yet brave enough to try that! I made a test pair of the yoga pants for A, and found that they were just the right length with a 1/4" hem, so perhaps I'll lengthen the next pair a bit to leave some room for growth. 

M loved her pajamas - and I have so much fabric leftover that I think I'll make her another set for when these are in the wash! 


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