Miette Skirt (#3)

This is my third Miette Skirt from Tilly and the Buttons. I blogged about my first one here, and seem to have neglected to photograph my second, made from a block printed fabric I bought in India last year. This one is for a friend's daughter who was recently in Singapore and commented on how much she liked mine, so I offered to make her one. It's such a quick project, and hopefully she'll get lots of wear out of it in the Edmonton summer.

Similar to the one I made for myself last year, this is also a 'wrinkle-free' linen (read: high percentage of polyester!). I think I finally figured out my pocket problem from my first one (I suspect I actually put them on incorrectly, which is why they didn't line up quite as they should have), but I was also extra careful with the stay-stitching. It's hard to tell from the picture, but this is a really nice warm silver-gray colour, which I hope will be versatile to wear.

I have one more Miette skirt in the works (for me, this time), then it's on to some tops and I just got a new request from my daughter for pyjamas. So much sewing...so little time!


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