Small things...

The last month (sewing-wise) has been spent on Halloween costumes and a certain birthday dress for a now 5-year old. More on those soon...

But in between, there has been some small sewing - as in, sewing small things!

I have a 7 1/2 year old who seems to be oddly reluctant to give up his first baby tooth that, by some miracle, is still hanging by a thread in his mouth. I thought that making a tiny pouch for the tooth might speed along the process (no luck to date...).

He chose the fabric (waterproof PUL on the outside) and now we wait...

And while making Halloween costumes and cutting up an old t-shirt to repurpose into a vest, I had enough leftover to make a pair of pants for a new doll. Thank you to @Bartacks and Singletrack for the pattern - a mini version of the Oliver + S Nature Walk Yoga pants. We love these pants in our house (the child size) and now the new doll has a pair too.

I was extremely pleased that I could use the existing t-shirt hem for the pant legs - one less step to do! I haven't sewn doll clothes before, and have to say, it's quite a satisfying thing when you can whip up an outfit in 30 minutes! Here's the t-shirt that I decided she needed to complete the 'look' (a freebie from Liberty Jane doll patterns).

Now, apparently, she needs pajamas, a dress, shoes...the list grows daily!


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